Law Enforcement Traffic System
Many of the LETS fields require certain criteria. While problems can be caught on the STARS edit check screen, there may be times where additional explanation is wanted. The MUCR guide explains what is needed for each field.
2019 MUCR Guide
Here is the MO Uniform Crash Report Prep Manual. This guide is intended for officers that enter crashes in the LETS system.
2019 MUCR Prep Manual
Click the link to see the latest LETS4 reports enhancements.
LETS4 - Reports
LETS Draw allows for diagramming of crashes in the LETS system. Here you can find documentation videos that will help while using the system.
LETS Draw help videos
Click here to see a list of License Plate Types.
License Plate Types
Click here to see the most recent release notes of changes that have been applied to the LETS system.
LETS4 - Enhancements
If you will using Internet Explorer as your browser click here for some setup instructions.
Internet Explorer Setup
Here are many commonly asked questions for LETS4.
LETS4 - FAQ's.
Here is the LETS4 Crash Entry User Guide. This guide is intended for officers that enter crashes in the LETS system.
LETS4 - Crash Entry Guide
Here is the LETS4 Administrative User Guide. This guide is intended for Agency Administrators that will support officers entering crashes within their precinct or agency.
LETS4 - Admin Guide